Unified Transform Method

for boundary value problems


This page gives a list of works on the topic of Fokas' method, organised thematically. The list is growing and we hope to make it comprehensive soon. In the mean time, if you know of any omissions please send us an email with as much information as possible on the work.

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Problems in two dimensions (either 1+1 or 2+0)

Linear evolution PDEs formulated on the half-line

The novel integral representations obtained by the new method have both analytical and numerical advantages in comparison with the classical integral and series representations: (i) They are uniformly convergent at the boundaries; analytically, this makes it easier to prove rigorously the validity of such representations without the apriori assumption of existence, whereas numerically, using appropriate contour deformations, it makes it possible to obtain integrands which decay exponentially as |k| →∞ and this leads to efficient numerical computations [FF2008a], [KP2009a], [Vet2010a]. (ii) These representations retain their form even for more complicated boundary conditions, whereas the classical representations involve infinite series over a spectrum determined by a transcendental equation. For example, in the case of the heat equation with Robin boundary conditions, the classical representation involves an infinite series over \{k_n\}_0^\infty where kn satisfy a transcendental equation, whereas the new method yields an explicit integral representation.

[FF2008a] N. Flyer, A. S. Fokas A Hybrid Analytical Numerical Method for Solving Evolution Partial Differential Equations. I. The Half-Line, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. A Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 464 2095 (2008), 1823-1849,
[Fok2004b] A. S. Fokas Boundary-value problems for linear PDEs with variable coefficients, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. A Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 460 (2004), 1131-1151,
[Fok2008a] A. S. Fokas A Unified Approach to Boundary Value Problems, CBMS-SIAM, CBMS-SIAM (2008),
[FS1999a] A. S. Fokas, L. Y. Sung Initial-Boundary Value Problems for Linear Dispersive Evolution Equations on the Half-Line, (1999), [ps] (unpublished)
[FS2012a] A. S. Fokas, E. A. Spence Synthesis, as opposed to separation, of variables, SIAM Rev. 54 2 (2012), 291-324,

Every applied mathematician has used separation of variables. For a given boundary value problem (BVP) in two dimensions, the starting point of this powerful method is the separation of the given PDE into two ODEs. If the spectral analysis of either of these ODEs yields an appropriate transform pair, i.e. a transform consistent with the given boundary conditions, then the given BVP can be reduced to a BVP for an ODE. For simple BVPs it is straightforward to choose an appropriate transform and hence the spectral analysis can be avoided. In spite of its enormous applicability, this method has certain limitations. In particular, it requires the given domain, PDE, and boundary conditions to be separable, and also may not be applicable if the BVP is non-self-adjoint. Furthermore it expresses the solution as either an integral or a series, neither of which are uniformly convergent on the boundary of the domain (for non-vanishing boundary conditions), which renders such expressions unsuitable for numerical computations.

This paper describes a recently introduced transform method that can be applied to certain non-separable and non-self-adjoint problems. Furthermore, this method expresses the solution as an integral in the complex plane that is uniformly convergent on the boundary of the domain. The starting point of the method is to write the PDE as a one parameter family of equations formulated in a divergence form, and this allows one to consider the variables together. In this sense, the method is based on the “synthesis” as opposed to the “separation” of variables. The new method has already been applied to a plethora of BVPs and furthermore has led to the developement of certain novel numerical techniques. However, a large number of related analytical and numerical questions remain open.

This paper illustrates the method by applying it to two particular non-self-adjoint BVPs: one for the linearised KdV equation formulated on the half line, and the other for the Helmholtz equation in the exterior of the disc (the latter is non-self-adjoint due to a radiation condition). The former problem played a crucial role in the development of the new method, whereas the latter problem was instrumental in the full development of the classical transform method.

Although the new method can now be presented using only classical techniques, it actually originated in the theory of certain nonlinear PDEs called integrable, whose crucial feature is the existence of a Lax pair formulation. It is shown here that Lax pairs provide the generalisation of the divergence formulation from a separable linear to an integrable nonlinear PDE.

[Man2012a] D. Mantzavinos Initial-boundary value problems for linear and integrable nonlinear evolution PDEs, PhD Thesis, University of Cambridge, (2012),
[PS2014a] B. Pelloni, D. A. Smith Evolution PDEs and augmented eigenfunctions. II half line, (2014), arXiv:1408.3657 [math.AP] (submitted)
[Ros2014a] L. F. Rossi Education, SIAM Rev. 56 1 (2014), 157-158,
[Sun2000a] L. Y. Sung Initial-boundary value problems for linear dispersive evolution equations on the half-line, Fifth International Conference on Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation, SIAM (2000), 374-378,

Linear evolution PDEs formulated on a finite interval

The new transform method yields integral representations for evolution PDEs containing x-derivatives of arbitrary order formulated on the finite interval [Fok2008a], whereas it can be shown that even for the linearised KdV on the finite interval with generic boundary conditions, there does not exist an infinite series representation [Pap2011a], [Smi2011a]! Note that some of the works listed descibing linear evolution PDEs formulated on the half-line also refer to finite interval formulations.

[DS2014b] B. Deconinck, N. Sheils Heat conduction on the ring: interface problems with periodic boundary conditions, Appl. Math. Lett. 37 (2014), 107-111,
[Fok2001a] A. S. Fokas Two Dimensional Linear Partial Differential Equations in a Convex Polygon, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. A Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 457 (2001), 371-393,
[Fok2008a] A. S. Fokas A Unified Approach to Boundary Value Problems, CBMS-SIAM, CBMS-SIAM (2008),
[FP2005a] A. S. Fokas, B. Pelloni A transform method for linear evolution PDEs on a finite interval, IMA J. Appl. Math. 70 4 (2005), 564-587, arXiv:math/0412027v2 [math.AP]
[Man2012a] D. Mantzavinos Initial-boundary value problems for linear and integrable nonlinear evolution PDEs, PhD Thesis, University of Cambridge, (2012),
[Pel2005a] B. Pelloni The spectral representation of two-point boundary-value problems for third-order linear evolution partial differential equations, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. A Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 461 (2005), 2965-2984,

We use a spectral transform method to study general boundary-value problems for third-order, linear, evolution partial differential equations with constant coefficients, posed on a finite space domain. We show how this method yields a simple characterization of the discrete spectrum of the associated spatial differential operator, and discuss the obstructions that arise when trying to represent the solution of such a problem as a series of exponential functions.

We first review the theory for second-order two-point boundary-value problems, and present an alternative way to derive the classical series representation, as well as an equivalent integral representation, which generally involves complex contours. We illustrate the advantages of the integral representation by studying in some detail the case where Robin-type boundary conditions are prescribed.

We then consider the third-order case and show that the integral representation is in general not equivalent to a discrete series representation, justifying a posteriori the failure of some of the classical approaches. We illustrate the third-order case in detail, using the example of the equation qt+qxxx=0 for various types of boundary conditions. In contrast with the second-order case, the qualitative properties of the spectrum of the associated spatial differential operator depend in this case not only on the equation but also on the type of boundary conditions. In particular, the solution appears to admit a series representation only when the prescribed boundary conditions couple the two endpoints of the interval.

[Ros2014a] L. F. Rossi Education, SIAM Rev. 56 1 (2014), 157-158,
[Smi2014b] D. A. Smith Birkhoff regularity and well-posedness of linear initial-boundary value problems, (2014), in preparation

Linear evolution PDEs formulated in a time-dependent domain

The new method can be used to study linear evolution equations in domains of the form l(t)<x<∞, 0<t<T, with prescribed initial and boundary conditions and with l(t) a given differentiable function. In this case, the solution is characterised in general by a system of linear integral equations with explicit, weakly singular kernel. For example, for a second order problem such as the heat equation qt=qxx, given the Dirichlet boundary datum q(l(t),t), the unknown Neumann boundary value qx(l(t),t) can be computed as the solution of a single such linear Volterra integral equation.

[FS2003a] A. S. Fokas, P. F. Schultz Long-time asymptotics of moving boundary problems using an Ehrenpreis-type representation and its Riemann-Hilbert nonlinearization, Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 56 4 (2003), 517-548,

Linear elliptic PDEs on the interior of a polygon

The new method yields novel integral representations for the solution of several classical PDEs including the Laplace, the Helmholtz, and the modified Helmholtz equations formulated in the interior of a convex polygon. These representations involve certain transforms of the associated boundary values. There now exist two global relations. For a simple domain, it is possible, using the global relations and their invariant properties, to express all transforms in terms of the given boundary conditions using only algebraic manipulations. For example, the solution of the Dirichlet problem for the modified Helmholtz equation in the interior of an equilateral triangle is expressed in terms of an integral in the complex k-plane which involves an integrand which decays exponentially as |k| →∞. This solution has analytical and numerical advantages in comparison with the classical series solution of Lamé; furthermore, problems with more complicated boundary conditions (for which the classical approach apparently fails) can also be solved in a similar way. For more complicated domains, the global relation provides novel effective numerical techniques for the determination of the unknown boundary values [FFSS2009a], [FSS2010a], [FFSS2008a], [FF2011a], [FS2009a] and [FFX2004a]. Several boundary value problems for the biharmonic equation are analysed in [CF2004a] and [DF2011a].

[Das2007a] G. Dassios What non-linear methods offered to linear problems? The Fokas transform method, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 42 1 (2007), 146-156,

In 1750 D'Alembert demonstrated how a linear partial differential equation can be solved via separation of variables, a method that decomposes a PDE into a set of ODEs. This method was the basis for the development of many branches of contemporary analysis, from function spaces to spectral analysis of operators and the theory of special functions. A condition for the method of separation of variables to work is the existence of a coordinate system that fits the boundary of the fundamental domain and at the same time it separates the PDE. It is remarkable that two and a half centuries later a generalization is introduced that has its origin in the analysis of non-linear integrable equations. In the present work, this promising new transform method is outlined and applied to particular boundary value problems. A crucial part of the method is the introduction of a global relation which, if properly used, can provide the missing boundary data in a very elegant and effective way. We show how this can be used to generate separable solutions of partial differential equations even when no system, that fits the geometry of the fundamental domain, is available. This is shown for the case of the Dirichlet problem for the modified Helmholtz equation in the interior of an equilateral triangle. Furthermore, the connection of the Fokas method to the classical moment problem is investigated. It is shown that, in this case, the global relation is decomposed into a sequence of global relations, directly associated with the Fourier coefficients of the Dirichlet and Neumann boundary values.

[DF2011a] M. Dimakos, A. S. Fokas The Poisson and the Biharmonic Equations in the Interior of a Convex Polygon, (2011), (submitted)
[FFSS2008a] A. S. Fokas, S. R. Fulton, Y. G. Saridakis, A. G. Sifalakis The generalized Dirichlet-Neumann map for linear elliptic PDEs and its numerical implementation, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 219 1 (2008), 9-34,

A new approach for analyzing boundary value problems for linear and for integrable nonlinear PDEs was introduced in Fokas [A unified transform method for solving linear and certain nonlinear PDEs, Proc. Roy. Soc. London Ser. A 53 (1997) 1411-1443]. For linear elliptic PDEs, an important aspect of this approach is the characterization of a generalized Dirichlet to Neumann map: given the derivative of the solution along a direction of an arbitrary angle to the boundary, the derivative of the solution perpendicularly to this direction is computed without solving on the interior of the domain. This is based on the analysis of the so-called global relation, an equation which couples known and unknown components of the derivative on the boundary and which is valid for all values of a complex parameter k. A collocation-type numerical method for solving the global relation for the Laplace equation in an arbitrary bounded convex polygon was introduced in Fulton et al. [An analytical method for linear elliptic PDEs and its numerical implementation, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 167 (2004) 465-483]. Here, by choosing a different set of the "collocation points" (values for k), we present a significant improvement of the results in Fulton et al. [An analytical method for linear elliptic PDEs and its numerical implementation, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 167 (2004) 465-483]. The new collocation points lead to well-conditioned collocation methods. Their combination with sine basis functions leads to a collocation matrix whose diagonal blocks are point diagonal matrices yielding efficient implementation of iterative methods; numerical experimentation suggests quadratic convergence. The choice of Chebyshev basis functions leads to higher order convergence, which for regular polygons appear to be exponential.

[FK2003a] A. S. Fokas, A. A. Kapaev On a transform method for the Laplace equation in a polygon, IMA J. Appl. Math. 68 4 (2003), 355-408,
[FK2014a] A. S. Fokas, K. Kalimeris Eigenvalues for the Laplace operator in the interior of an equilateral triangle, (2014), submitted for review
[Fok2001a] A. S. Fokas Two Dimensional Linear Partial Differential Equations in a Convex Polygon, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. A Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 457 (2001), 371-393,
[Fok2008a] A. S. Fokas A Unified Approach to Boundary Value Problems, CBMS-SIAM, CBMS-SIAM (2008),
[FS2009a] A. S. Fokas, E. A. Spence Novel Analytical and Numerical Methods for Elliptic Boundary Value Problems, Highly Oscillatory Problems, Cambridge University Press (2009), 194-226,
[FSS2010a] A. S. Fokas, S. A. Smitheman, E. A. Spence A spectral collocation method for the Laplace and modified Helmholtz equations in a convex polygon, IMA J. Numer. Anal. 30 1 (2010), 1184-1205,

Integral representations for the solutions of the Laplace and modified Helmholtz equations can be obtained using Green's theorem. However, these representations involve both the solution and its normal derivative on the boundary, and for a well-posed boundary-value problem (BVP) one of these functions is unknown. Determining the Neumann data from the Dirichlet data is known as constructing the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map. A new transform method was introduced in Fokas (1997, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A, 53, 1411-1443) for solving BVPs for linear and integrable nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs). For linear PDEs this method can be considered as the analogue of the Green's function approach in the Fourier plane. In this method the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map is characterized by a certain equation, the so-called global relation, which is formulated in the complex k-plane, where k denotes the complex extension of the spectral (Fourier) variable. Here we solve the global relation numerically for the Laplace and modified Helmholtz equations in a convex polygon. This is achieved by evaluating the gobal relation at a properly chosen set of points in the spectral (Fourier) plane, which is why this method has been called a 'spectral collocation method'. Numerical experiments suggest that the method inherits the order of convergence of the basis used to expand the unknown functions, namely, exponential for a polynomial basis such as Chebyshev, and algebraic for a Fourier basis. However, the condition number of the associated linear system is much higher for a polynomial basis than for a Fourier one.

[Spe2009a] E. A. Spence Boundary Value Problems for Linear Elliptic PDEs, PhD Thesis, University of Cambridge, (2009),

This thesis is concerned with new analytical and numerical methods for solving boundary value problems for the 2nd order linear elliptic PDEs of Poisson, Helmholtz, and modified Helmholtz in two dimensions.

In 1967 a new method called the Inverse Scattering Transform (IST) method was introduced to solve the initial value problem of certain non-linear PDEs (so-called "integrable" PDEs) including the celebrated Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) and nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) equation. The extension of the IST method from initial value problems to boundary value problems (BVPs) was achieved by Fokas in 1997 when a unified method for solving BVPs for integrable nonlinear and linear PDEs was introduced. This thesis applies "the Fokas method" to the basic elliptic PDEs in two dimensions.

It is perhaps suprising that ideas from the theory of integrable nonlinear PDEs can be used to obtain new results in the classical theory of linear PDEs. In fact, the new method has a beautiful connection with the classical integral representations of the solutions of these PDEs due to Green. Indeed, this thesis shows that the Fokas method provides the analogue of Green's integral representation (IR) in the transform, or spectral, space. Both Irs contain boundary values which are not given as boundary conditions, and the main difficulty with BVPs is determining these unknown boundary values. In addition to the novel IR, the Fokas method provides a relation coupling the transforms of both the known and unknown boundary values known as "the global relation", which is then used to determine the contribution of the unknown boundary values to the solution.

One of the conclusions of this thesis is that the new method (applied to these 2nd order linear elliptic PDEs) does three things: (a) solves certain BVPs which cannot be solved by classical techniques, (b) yields novel expressions for the solutions of BVPs which have both analytical and computational advantages over the classical ones, and (c) provides an alternative, simpler, method for obtaining the classical solutions.

Chapter 2 is about the novel integral representations. Chapter 3 is about the global relation. In Chapter 4, a variety of boundary value problems in the separable domains of the half plane, quarter plane and the exterior of the circle are solved. In Chapter 5, boundary value problems are solved in a non-separable domain, the interior of a right isosceles triangle. Just as Green's integral representation gives rise to a numerical method for solving these PDEs (the boundary integral method), the Fokas method can also be used to design new numerical schemes; Chapter 6 presents these for the Laplace and modfied Helmholtz equation in the interior of a convex polygon.

Linear elliptic PDEs in polar coordinates

The new method has also been implemented in the case of boundary value problems formulated in polar coordinates, and in particular has produced: (a) novel integral representations for the Poissonand Helmholtz equations, and (b) the solutions of several boundary value problems for these equations.

[FS2012a] A. S. Fokas, E. A. Spence Synthesis, as opposed to separation, of variables, SIAM Rev. 54 2 (2012), 291-324,

Every applied mathematician has used separation of variables. For a given boundary value problem (BVP) in two dimensions, the starting point of this powerful method is the separation of the given PDE into two ODEs. If the spectral analysis of either of these ODEs yields an appropriate transform pair, i.e. a transform consistent with the given boundary conditions, then the given BVP can be reduced to a BVP for an ODE. For simple BVPs it is straightforward to choose an appropriate transform and hence the spectral analysis can be avoided. In spite of its enormous applicability, this method has certain limitations. In particular, it requires the given domain, PDE, and boundary conditions to be separable, and also may not be applicable if the BVP is non-self-adjoint. Furthermore it expresses the solution as either an integral or a series, neither of which are uniformly convergent on the boundary of the domain (for non-vanishing boundary conditions), which renders such expressions unsuitable for numerical computations.

This paper describes a recently introduced transform method that can be applied to certain non-separable and non-self-adjoint problems. Furthermore, this method expresses the solution as an integral in the complex plane that is uniformly convergent on the boundary of the domain. The starting point of the method is to write the PDE as a one parameter family of equations formulated in a divergence form, and this allows one to consider the variables together. In this sense, the method is based on the “synthesis” as opposed to the “separation” of variables. The new method has already been applied to a plethora of BVPs and furthermore has led to the developement of certain novel numerical techniques. However, a large number of related analytical and numerical questions remain open.

This paper illustrates the method by applying it to two particular non-self-adjoint BVPs: one for the linearised KdV equation formulated on the half line, and the other for the Helmholtz equation in the exterior of the disc (the latter is non-self-adjoint due to a radiation condition). The former problem played a crucial role in the development of the new method, whereas the latter problem was instrumental in the full development of the classical transform method.

Although the new method can now be presented using only classical techniques, it actually originated in the theory of certain nonlinear PDEs called integrable, whose crucial feature is the existence of a Lax pair formulation. It is shown here that Lax pairs provide the generalisation of the divergence formulation from a separable linear to an integrable nonlinear PDE.

Spectral theory for non-self-adjoint boundary value problems

The new method permits investigation of initial-boundary value problems on rectangular domains without a priori assumptions on the eigenfunctions of the spatial differential operator. Moreover, the global relation may be used to determine the eigenfunctions directly and the methods of spetral theory applied to test their completeness and basic properties.

[PS2014a] B. Pelloni, D. A. Smith Evolution PDEs and augmented eigenfunctions. II half line, (2014), arXiv:1408.3657 [math.AP] (submitted)
[Smi2014b] D. A. Smith Birkhoff regularity and well-posedness of linear initial-boundary value problems, (2014), in preparation

Linear elliptic PDEs on the exterior of a polygon

[CDF2010a] A. Charalambopoulos, G. Dassios, A. S. Fokas Laplace's equation in the exterior of a convex polygon. The equilateral triangle, Quart. Appl. Math. 68 (2010), 645-660,

A general method for studying boundary value problems for linear and for integrable nonlinear partial differential equations in two dimensions was introduced in Fokas, 1997. For linear equations in a convex polygon (Fokas and Kapaev (2000) and (2003), and Fokas (2001)), this method: (a) expresses the solution in the form of an integral (generalized inverse Fourier transform) in the complex -plane involving a certain function (generalized direct Fourier transform) that is defined as an integral along the boundary of the polygon, and (b) characterizes a generalized Dirichlet-to-Neumann map by analyzing the so-called global relation. For simple polygons and simple boundary conditions, this characterization is explicit. Here, we extend the above method to the case of elliptic partial differential equations in the exterior of a convex polygon and we illustrate the main ideas by studying the Laplace equation in the exterior of an equilateral triangle.

Regarding (a), we show that whereas is identical with that of the interior problem, the contour of integration in the complex -plane appearing in the formula for depends on . Regarding (b), we show that the global relation is now replaced by a set of appropriate relations which, in addition to the boundary values, also involve certain additional unknown functions. In spite of this significant complication we show that, for certain simple boundary conditions, the exterior problem for the Laplace equation can be mapped to the solution of a Dirichlet problem formulated in the interior of a convex polygon formed by three sides.

Linear and integrable nonlinear hyperbolic PDEs

Boundary value problems for these equations are simpler than boundary value problems for evolution and elliptic PDEs because all boundary values needed for the solution representation are prescribed as boundary conditions.

[FM1999a] A. S. Fokas, C. R. Menyuk Integrability and Self-Similarity in Transient Stimulated Raman Scattering, J. Nonlinear Sci. 9 1 (1999), 1-31,

Integrable nonlinear evolution PDEs formulated on the half-line

The new method yields novel integral representations formulated in the complex k-plane (the Fourier plane). These integrals, in addition to the exponentials which appear in the integrals of the linearized version of these nonlinear PDEs, also contain the entries of a matrix-valued function M(x,t,k), which is the solution of a matrix Riemann-Hilbert (RH) problem. This RH problem is uniquely defined in terms of appropriate nonlinear transforms of boundary values, called spectral functions. These functions are defined in the Fourier space, i.e. they do not involve the independent variables of the PDE. This crucial feature of the new method makes it possible to obtain useful asymptotic information about the solution even before characterising the spectral functions in terms of the given boundary conditions. This can be achieved by using the Deift-Zhou (for the long-time asymptotics) [DZ1992a], [DZ1993a] and the Deift-Zhou-Venakides (for the zero-dispersion limit) [DVZ1994a], [DVZ1997a] techniques for the asymptotic analysis of these RH problems [Kam2003a], [FI1992a], [FI1996a], [FI1992b] and [FI1994a]. For certain nonlinear boundary value problems, called linearisable, it is possible, by analysing the global relation, to express the spectral functions in terms of the given initial and boundary conditions using only algebraic manipulations. Thus, for linearisable boundary conditions, the new method yields a representation which is as effective as the classical representation for the Cauchy problem obtained by the inverse scattering transform method. For general, non-linearisable boundary conditions the global relation yields an effective characterisation of the generalised Dirichlet to Neumann map. This important development was first achieved in [BFS2003a] by employing the so-called Gelfand-Levitan-Marchenko (GLM) representations [BK2000a], and was implemented numerically in [Zhe2006a] and [Zhe2007a]. It was later realised that this approach also provides a direct characterisation of the spectral functions in terms of the given initial and boundary conditions, bypassing the GLM representation, [Fok2005a] and [FT2008a]. Further progress in this problem was achieved in [FL2011b], where the relevant formulae were obtained without the need to introduce the GLM representations. However, it must be noted that for non-linearisable boundary value problems, the above characterisation involves a nonlinear equation.

[DVZ1994a] P. Deift, S. Venakides, X. Zhou The collisionless shock region for the long-time behavior of solutions of the KdV equation, Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 47 2 (1994), 199-206,
[DVZ1997a] P. Deift, S. Venakides, X. Zhou New results in small dispersion KdV by an extension of the steepest descent method for Riemann-Hilbert problems, Int. Math. Res. Not. 1997 6 (1997), 285-299,
[DZ1993a] P. Deift, X. Zhou A steepest descent method for oscillatory Riemann-Hilbert problems. Asymptotics for the MKdV equation, Ann. Of Math. 137 2 (1993), 295-368,
[FI1994a] A. S. Fokas, A. R. Its An initial-boundary value problem for the Korteweg-de Vries equation, Math. Comput. Simulation 37 4 (1994), 293-321,
[FI1996a] A. S. Fokas, A. R. Its The Linearization of the Initial-Boundary Value Problem of the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation, SIAM J. Appl. Math. 27 3 (1996), 738-764,

We consider the nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) equation in the variable $q(x,t)$ with both $x$ and $t$ in $[ {0,\infty } )$. We assume that $q(x,0) = u(x)$ and $q(0,t) = v(t)$ are given, that $u(0) = v(0)$, and that $u(x)$ and $v(t)$ as well as their first two derivatives belong to $L_1 \cap L_2 (\mathbb{R}^ + )$. We show that the solution of this initial-boundary value problem can be reduced to solving a Riemann-Hilbert (RH) problem in the complex $k$-plane with jumps on $\operatorname{Im} (k^2 ) = 0$. This RH problem is equivalent to a linear integral equation which has a unique global solution. This linear integral equation is uniquely defined in terms of certain functions (scattering data) $b(k)$ and $c(k)$. The function $b(k)$ can be effectively computed in terms of $u(x)$. However, although the analytic properties of $c(k)$ are completely determined, the relationship between $c(k)$, $u(x)$ and $v(t)$ is highly nonlinear. In spite of this difficulty, we can give an effective description of the asymptotic behavior of $q(x,t)$ for large $t$. In particular, we show that as $t \to \infty $, solitons are generated moving away from the boundary. In addition, our formalism can be used to generate effectively pairs of functions $q(0,t)$ and $q_x (0,t)$ compatible with a given $q(x,0)$ as well as to determine the associated $q(x,t)$. It is important to emphasize that the analysis of this problem, in addition to techniques of exact integrability, requires the essential use of general partial differential equations (PDE) techniques.

[FIS2005a] A. S. Fokas, A. R. Its, L. Y. Sung The nonlinear Schrödinger equation on the half-line, Nonlinearity 18 4 (2005), 1771-1822,

Assuming that the solution q ( x , t ) of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation on the half-line exists, it has been shown in Fokas (2002 Commun. Math. Phys. 230 1-39) that q ( x , t ) can be represented in terms of the solution of a matrix Riemann-Hilbert (RH) problem formulated in the complex k -plane. The jump matrix of this RH problem has explicit x , t dependence and it is defined in terms of the scalar functions { a ( k ), b ( k ), A ( k ), B ( k )} referred to as spectral functions. The functions a ( k ) and b ( k ) are defined in terms of q 0 ( x ) = q ( x ,0), while the functions A ( k ) and B ( k ) are defined in terms of g 0 ( t ) = q (0, t ) and g 1 ( t ) = q x (0, t ). The spectral functions are not independent but they satisfy an algebraic global relation . Here we first prove that if there exist spectral functions satisfying this global relation, then the function q ( x , t ) defined in terms of the above RH problem exists globally and solves the nonlinear Schrödinger equation, and furthermore q ( x , 0) = q 0 ( x ), q (0, t ) = g 0 ( t ) and q x (0, t ) = g 1 ( t ). We then show that, given appropriate initial and boundary conditions, it is possible to construct such spectral functions through the solution of a nonlinear Volterra integral equation whose solution exists globally. We also show that for a particular class of boundary conditions it is possible to bypass this nonlinear equation and to compute the spectral functions using only the algebraic manipulation of the global relation; thus for this particular class of boundary conditions, which we call linearizable , the problem on the half-line can be solved as effectively as the problem on the line. An example of a linearizable boundary condition is q x (0, t ) - ρ q (0, t ) = 0 where ρ is a real constant.

[FL2010a] A. S. Fokas, J. Lenells Explicit soliton asymptotics for the Korteweg-de Vries equation on the half-line, Nonlinearity 23 4 (2010), 937-976, arXiv:0812.1579v2 [nlin.SI]

There exists a distinctive class of physically significant evolution PDEs in one spatial dimension which can be treated analytically. A prototypical example of this class (which is referred to as integrable) is the Korteweg-de Vries equation. Integrable PDEs on the line can be analysed by the so-called inverse scattering transform (IST) method. A particularly powerful aspect of the IST is its ability to predict the large t behaviour of the solution. Namely, starting with initial data u(x, 0), IST implies that the solution u(x, t) asymptotes to a collection of solitons as t, x/t = O(1); moreover, the shapes and speeds of these solitons can be computed from u(x, 0) using only linear operations. One of the most important developments in this area has been the generalization of the IST from initial to initial-boundary value (IBV) problems formulated on the half-line. It can be shown that again u(x, t) asymptotes into a collection of solitons, where now the shapes and the speeds of these solitons depend both on u(x, 0) and on the given boundary conditions at x = 0. A major complication of IBV problems is that the computation of the shapes and speeds of the solitons involves the solution of a nonlinear Volterra integral equation. However, for a certain class of boundary conditions, called linearizable, this complication can be bypassed and the relevant computation is as effective as in the case of the problem on the line. Here, after reviewing the general theory for KdV, we analyse three different types of linearizable boundary conditions. For these cases, the initial conditions are (a) restrictions of one- and two-soliton solutions at t = 0; (b) profiles of certain exponential type and (c) box-shaped profiles. For each of these cases, by computing explicitly the shapes and the speeds of the asymptotic solitons, we elucidate the influence of the boundary.

[FL2012a] A. S. Fokas, J. Lenells The unified method: I non-linearizable problems on the half-line, J. Phys. A 45 (2012), 195201, arXiv:1109.4935 [math.AP]

Boundary value problems for integrable nonlinear evolution PDEs formulated on the half-line can be analyzed by the unified method introduced by one of the authors and used extensively in the literature. The implementation of this general method to this particular class of problems yields the solution in terms of the unique solution of a matrix Riemann-Hilbert problem formulated in the complex $k$-plane (the Fourier plane), which has a jump matrix with explicit $(x,t)$-dependence involving four scalar functions of $k$, called spectral functions. Two of these functions depend on the initial data, whereas the other two depend on all boundary values. The most difficult step of the new method is the characterization of the latter two spectral functions in terms of the given initial and boundary data, i.e. the elimination of the unknown boundary values. For certain boundary conditions, called linearizable, this can be achieved simply using algebraic manipulations. Here, we present an effective characterization of the spectral functions in terms of the given initial and boundary data for the general case of non-linearizable boundary conditions. This characterization is based on the analysis of the so-called global relation, on the analysis of the equations obtained from the global relation via certain transformations leaving the dispersion relation of the associated linearized PDE invariant, and on the computation of the large $k$ asymptotics of the eigenfunctions defining the relevant spectral functions.

[FL2012b] A. S. Fokas, J. Lenells The unified method: II NLS on the half-line with t-periodic boundary conditions, J. Phys. A 45 (2012), 195202, arXiv:1109.4936 [math.AP]

Boundary value problems for integrable nonlinear evolution PDEs formulated on the half-line can be analyzed by the unified method introduced by one of the authors and used extensively in the literature. The implementation of this general method to this particular class of problems yields the solution in terms of the unique solution of a matrix Riemann-Hilbert problem formulated in the complex $k$-plane (the Fourier plane), which has a jump matrix with explicit $(x,t)$-dependence involving four scalar functions of $k$, called spectral functions. Two of these functions depend on the initial data, whereas the other two depend on all boundary values. The most difficult step of the new method is the characterization of the latter two spectral functions in terms of the given initial and boundary data, i.e. the elimination of the unknown boundary values. For certain boundary conditions, called linearizable, this can be achieved simply using algebraic manipulations. Here, we first present an effective characterization of the spectral functions in terms of the given initial and boundary data for the general case of non-linearizable boundary conditions. This characterization is based on the analysis of the so-called global relation and on the introduction of the so-called Gelfand-Levitan-Marchenko representations of the eigenfunctions defining the spectral functions. We then concentrate on the physically significant case of $t$-periodic Dirichlet boundary data. After presenting certain heuristic arguments which suggest that the Neumann boundary values become periodic as $t\to\infty$, we show that for the case of the NLS with a sine-wave as Dirichlet data, the asymptotics of the Neumann boundary values can be computed explicitly at least up to third order in a perturbative expansion and indeed at least up to this order are asymptotically periodic.

[Fok2002b] A. S. Fokas Integrable nonlinear evolution equations on the half-line, Comm. Math. Phys. 230 1 (2002), 1-39, http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/user/tf227/springer.ps

A rigorous methodology for the analysis of initial-boundary value problems on the half-line, is applied to the nonlinear §(NLS), to the sine-Gordon (sG) in laboratory coordinates, and to the Korteweg-deVries (KdV) with dominant surface tension. Decaying initial conditions as well as a smooth subset of the boundary values are given, where n=2 for the NLS and the sG and n=3 for the KdV. For the NLS and the KdV equations, the initial condition q(x,0) = q 0 (x) as well as one and two boundary conditions are given respectively; for the sG equation the initial conditions q(x,0) = q 0 (x), q t (x,0) = q 1 (x), as well as one boundary condition are given. The construction of the solution q(x,t) of any of these problems involves two separate steps: (a) Given decaying initial conditions define the spectral (scattering) functions {a(k),b(k)}. Associated with the smooth functions , define the spectral functions {A(k),B(k)}. Define the function q(x,t) in terms of the solution of a matrix Riemann-Hilbert problem formulated in the complex k-plane and uniquely defined in terms of the spectral functions {a(k),b(k),A(k),B(k)}. Under the assumption that there exist functions such that the spectral functions satisfy a certain global algebraic relation, prove that the function q(x,t) is defined for all , it satisfies the given nonlinear PDE, and furthermore that . (b) Given a subset of the functions as boundary conditions, prove that the above algebraic relation characterizes the unknown part of this set. In general this involves the solution of a nonlinear Volterra integral equation which is shown to have a global solution. For a particular class of boundary conditions, called linearizable, this nonlinear equation can be bypassed and {A(k),B(k)} can be constructed using only the algebraic manipulation of the global relation. For the NLS, the sG, and the KdV, the following particular linearizable cases are solved: , respectively, where χ is a real constant.

[Fok2004a] A. S. Fokas Linearizable initial boundary value problems for the sine-Gordon equation on the half-line, Nonlinearity 17 4 (2004), 1521-1534, arXiv:nlin/0412010v1 [nlin.SI]
[Fok2007a] A. S. Fokas From Green to Lax via Fourier, Recent Advances in Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Applications, American Mathematical Society (2007), 87-118,
[Fok2008a] A. S. Fokas A Unified Approach to Boundary Value Problems, CBMS-SIAM, CBMS-SIAM (2008),
[FT2008a] A. S. Fokas, P. A. Treharne The Generalized Dirichlet to Neumann Map for the KdV Equation on the Half-Line, J. Nonlinear Sci. 18 2 (2008), 191-217, arXiv:nlin/0610029v1 [nlin.SI]

For the two versions of the KdV equation on the positive half-line an initial-boundary value problem is well posed if one prescribes an initial condition plus either one boundary condition if qt and qxxx have the same sign (KdVI) or two boundary conditions if qt and qxxx have opposite sign (KdVII). Constructing the generalized Dirichlet to Neumann map for the above problems means characterizing the unknown boundary values in terms of the given initial and boundary conditions. For example, if {q(x,0),q(0,t)} and {q(x,0),q(0,t),qx(0,t)} are given for the KdVI and KdVII equations, respectively, then one must construct the unknown boundary values {qx(0,t),qxx(0,t)} and {qxx(0,t)}, respectively. We show that this can be achieved without solving for q(x,t) by analysing a certain “global relation” which couples the given initial and boundary conditions with the unknown boundary values, as well as with the function Φ(t)(t,k), where Φ(t) satisfies the t-part of the associated Lax pair evaluated at x=0. The analysis of the global relation requires the construction of the so-called Gelfand–Levitan–Marchenko triangular representation for Φ(t). In spite of the efforts of several investigators, this problem has remained open. In this paper, we construct the representation for Φ(t) for the first time and then, by employing this representation, we solve explicitly the global relation for the unknown boundary values in terms of the given initial and boundary conditions and the function Φ(t). This yields the unknown boundary values in terms of a nonlinear Volterra integral equation. We also discuss the implications of this result for the analysis of the long t-asymptotics, as well as for the numerical integration of the KdV equation.

[Its2003a] A. R. Its The Riemann-Hilbert problem and integrable systems, Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 50 11 (2003), 1389-1400,
[Man2012a] D. Mantzavinos Initial-boundary value problems for linear and integrable nonlinear evolution PDEs, PhD Thesis, University of Cambridge, (2012),
[MQ2014a] P. D. Miller, Z. Initial-boundary value problems for the defocussing nonlinear Schrödinger equation in the semiclassical limit, (2014), http://arxiv.org/abs/1406.7797 submitted for review
AbstractInitial-boundary value problems for integrable nonlinear partial differential equations have become tractable in recent years due to the development of so-called unified transform techniques. The main obstruction to applying these methods in practice is that calculation of the spectral transforms of the initial and boundary data requires knowledge of too many boundary conditions than are required make the problem well-posed. The elimination of the unknown boundary values is frequently addressed in the spectral domain via the so-called global relation, and types of boundary conditions for which the global relation can be solved are called linearizable. For the defocusing nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation, the global relation is only known to be explicitly solvable in rather restrictive situations, namely homogeneous boundary conditions of Dirichlet, Neumann, and Robin (mixed) type. General nonhomogeneous boundary conditions are not known to be linearizable. In this paper, we propose an explicit approximation for the nonlinear Dirichlet-to-Neumann map supplied by the defocusing nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation and use it to provide approximate solutions of general nonhomogeneous boundary value problems for this equation posed as an initial-boundary value problem on the half-line. Our method sidesteps entirely the solution of the global relation. The accuracy of our method is proven in the semiclassical limit, and we provide explicit asymptotics for the solution in the interior of the quarter-plane space-time domain.

Integrable nonlinear evolution PDEs on the finite interval

The most interesting aspect of this class of problems is the realization that the x-periodic problem is linearizable.

[BFS2006a] A. Boutet de Monvel, A. S. Fokas, D. Shepelsky Integrable Nonlinear Evolution Equations on a Finite Interval, Comm. Math. Phys. 263 1 (2006), 133-172, http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/user/tf227/interval10.pdf

Let q(x,t) satisfy an integrable nonlinear evolution PDE on the interval 0<x<L, and let the order of the highest x-derivative be n. For a problem to be at least linearly well-posed one must prescribe N boundary conditions at x=0 and n-N boundary conditions at x=L, where if n is even, N=n/2, and if n is odd, N is either (n−1)/2 or (n+1)/2, depending on the sign of ∂nxq. For example, for the sine-Gordon (sG) equation one must prescribe one boundary condition at each end, while for the modified Korteweg-de Vries (mKdV) equations involving qt+qxxx and qt−qxxx one must prescribe one and two boundary conditions, respectively, at x=0. We will refer to these two mKdV equations as mKdV-I and mKdV-II, respectively.

Here we analyze the Dirichlet problem for the sG equation, as well as typical boundary value problems for the mKdV-I and mKdV-II equations. We first show that the unknown boundary values at each end (for example, qx(0,t) and qx(L,t) in the case of the Dirichlet problem for the sG equation) can be expressed in terms of the given initial and boundary conditions through a system of four nonlinear ODEs. We then show that q(x,t) can be expressed in terms of the solution of a 2×2 matrix Riemann-Hilbert problem formulated in the complex k-plane. This problem has explicit (x,t) dependence in the form of an exponential; for example, for the case of the sG this exponential is exp {i(k−1/k)x+i(k+1/k)t}. Furthermore, the relevant jump matrices are explicitly given in terms of the spectral functions {a(k),b(k)}, {A(k),B(k)}, and , which in turn are defined in terms of the initial conditions, of the boundary values of q and of its x-derivatives at x=0, and of the boundary values of q and of its x-derivatives at x=L, respectively. This Riemann-Hilbert problem has a global solution.

[FL2012c] A. S. Fokas, J. Lenells The unified method: III non-linearizable problems on the interval, J. Phys. A 45 (2012), 195203, arXiv:1109.4937 [math.AP]

Boundary value problems for integrable nonlinear evolution PDEs formulated on the finite interval can be analyzed by the unified method introduced by one of the authors and used extensively in the literature. The implementation of this general method to this particular class of problems yields the solution in terms of the unique solution of a matrix Riemann-Hilbert problem formulated in the complex $k$-plane (the Fourier plane), which has a jump matrix with explicit $(x,t)$-dependence involving six scalar functions of $k$, called spectral functions. Two of these functions depend on the initial data, whereas the other four depend on all boundary values. The most difficult step of the new method is the characterization of the latter four spectral functions in terms of the given initial and boundary data, i.e. the elimination of the unknown boundary values. Here, we present an effective characterization of the spectral functions in terms of the given initial and boundary data. We present two different characterizations of this problem. One is based on the analysis of the so-called global relation, on the analysis of the equations obtained from the global relation via certain transformations leaving the dispersion relation of the associated linearized PDE invariant, and on the computation of the large $k$ asymptotics of the eigenfunctions defining the relevant spectral functions. The other is based on the analysis of the global relation and on the introduction of the so-called Gelfand-Levitan-Marchenko representations of the eigenfunctions defining the relevant spectral functions. We also show that these two different characterizations are equivalent and that in the limit when the length of the interval tends to infinity, the relevant formulas reduce to the analogous formulas obtained recently for the case of boundary value problems formulated on the half-line.

[Fok2008a] A. S. Fokas A Unified Approach to Boundary Value Problems, CBMS-SIAM, CBMS-SIAM (2008),
[Man2012a] D. Mantzavinos Initial-boundary value problems for linear and integrable nonlinear evolution PDEs, PhD Thesis, University of Cambridge, (2012),

Integrable nonlinear elliptic PDEs formulated in the interior of a polygon

The new method again yields novel integral representations in the complex k-plane. These integrals, in adddition to the exponentials which appear in the integrals of the linearised versions of these nonlinear PDEs, also contain the entries of a matrix-valued function M(x,y,k) which is the solution of a matrix RH problem. The spectral functions, i.e. the entries of the relevant jump matrix which depend only on k, can be computed in terms of the associate boundary values. For elliptic PDEs involving only second order derivatives, by employing the two relevant global relations, it is possible to express the unknown boundary values via a system of nonlinear Fredholm integral equations. However, for linearisable boundary conditions, it is again possible to avoid this nonlinear step and to express the spectral functions directly in terms of the given boundary conditions. The new method has already been implemented to the elliptic sine-Gordon formulated in the quarter plane and in a semistrip, as well as to the celebrated Ernst equation formulated in several complicated domains. Furthermore, particular linearisable boundary value problems have been solved for these two physically significant PDEs.

[FL2011a] A. S. Fokas, J. Lenells Boundary-Value Problems for the Stationary Axisymmetric Einstein Equations: a Rotating Disc, Nonlinearity 24 1 (2011), 177-206, arXiv:0911.1898v1 [nlin.SI]

The stationary, axisymmetric reduction of the vacuum Einstein equations, the so-called Ernst equation, is an integrable nonlinear PDE in two dimensions. There now exists a general method for analyzing boundary value problems for integrable PDEs, and this method consists of two steps: (a) Construct an integral representation of the solution characterized via a matrix Riemann-Hilbert (RH) problem formulated in the complex $k$-plane, where $k$ denotes the spectral parameter of the associated Lax pair. This representation involves, in general, some unknown boundary values, thus the solution formula is {\it not} yet effective. (b) Characterize the unknown boundary values by analyzing a certain equation called the {\it global relation}. This analysis involves, in general, the solution of a nonlinear problem; however, for certain boundary value problems called linearizable, it is possible to determine the unknown boundary values using only linear operations. Here, we employ the above methodology for the investigation of certain boundary value problems for the elliptic version of the Ernst equation. For this problem, the main novelty is the occurence of the spectral parameter in the form of a square root and this necessitates the introduction of a two-sheeted Riemann surface for the formulation of the relevant RH problem. As a concrete application of the general formalism, it is shown that the particular boundary value problem corresponding to the physically significant case of a rotating disk is a linearizable boundary value problem. In this way the remarkable results of Neugebauer and Meinel are recovered.

[FLP2013a] A. S. Fokas, J. Lenells, B. Pelloni Boundary value problems for the elliptic sine-Gordon equation in a semi-strip, J. Nonlinear Sci. 23 2 (2013), 241-282,

We study boundary value problems posed in a semistrip for the elliptic sine-Gordon equation, which is the paradigm of an elliptic integrable PDE in two variables. We use the method introduced by one of the authors, which provides a substantial generalization of the inverse scattering transform and can be used for the analysis of boundary as opposed to initial-value problems. We first express the solution in terms of a 2 by 2 matrix Riemann-Hilbert problem whose "jump matrix" depends on both the Dirichlet and the Neumann boundary values. For a well posed problem one of these boundary values is an unknown function. This unknown function is characterised in terms of the so-called global relation, but in general this characterisation is nonlinear. We then concentrate on the case that the prescribed boundary conditions are zero along the unbounded sides of a semistrip and constant along the bounded side. This corresponds to a case of the so-called linearisable boundary conditions, however a major difficulty for this problem is the existence of non-integrable singularities of the function qy at the two corners of the semistrip; these singularities are generated by the discontinuities of the boundary condition at these corners. Motivated by the recent solution of the analogous problem for the modified Helmholtz equation, we introduce an appropriate regularisation which overcomes this difficulty. Furthermore, by mapping the basic Riemann-Hilbert problem to an equivalent modified Riemann-Hilbert problem, we show that the solution can be expressed in terms of a 2 by 2 matrix Riemann-Hilbert problem whose jump matrix depends explicitly on the width of the semistrip L, on the constant value d of the solution along the bounded side, and on the residues at the given poles of a certain spectral function denoted by h. The determination of the function h remains open.

[Fok2008a] A. S. Fokas A Unified Approach to Boundary Value Problems, CBMS-SIAM, CBMS-SIAM (2008),

Problems in three dimensions

Linear evolution PDEs in two space variables

The Fokas method has been applied to simple domains such as the quarter plane, as well as to more complicated domains such as the interior of the isosceles triangle.

[FM2012b] A. S. Fokas, D. Mantzavinos The unified method for the heat equation: II. Non-separable boundary conditions in two dimensions, (2012), (submitted)
[Kal2010a] K. Kalimeris Initial and boundary value problems in two and three dimensions, PhD Thesis, University of Cambridge, (2010),

This thesis: (a) presents the solution of several boundary value problems (BVPs) for the Laplace and the modified Helmholtz equations in the interior of an equilateral triangle; (b) presents the solution of the heat equation in the interior of an equilateral triangle; (c) computes the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the Laplace operator in the interior of an equilateral triangle for a variety of boundary conditions; (d) discusses the solution of several BVPs for the non-linear Schrödinger equation on the half line. In 1967 the Inverse Scattering Transform method was introduced; this method can be used for the solution of the initial value problem of certain integrable equations including the celebrated Korteweg-de Vries and nonlinear Schrödinger equations. The extension of this method from initial value problems to BVPs was achieved by Fokas in 1997, when a unified method for solving BVPs for both integrable nonlinear PDEs, as well as linear PDEs was introduced. This thesis applies "the Fokas method" to obtain the results mentioned earlier. For linear PDEs, the new method yields a novel integral representation of the solution in the spectral (transform) space; this representation is not yet effective because it contains certain unknown boundary values. However, the new method also yields a relation, known as "the global relation", which couples the unknown boundary values and the given boundary conditions. By manipulating the global relation and the integral representation, it is possible to eliminate the unknown boundary values and hence to obtain an effective solution involving only the given boundary conditions. This approach is used to solve several BVPs for elliptic equations in two dimensions, as well as the heat equation in the interior of an equilateral triangle. The implementation of this approach: (a) provides an alternative way for obtaining classical solutions; (b) for problems that can be solved by classical methods, it yields novel alternative integral representations which have both analytical and computational advantages over the classical solutions; yields solutions of BVPs that apparently cannot be solved by classical methods. In addition, a novel analysis of the global relation for the Helmholtz equation provides a method for computing the eigenvalues and the eigenfunctions of the Laplace operator in the interior of an equilateral triangle for a variety of boundary conditions. Finally, for the nonlinear Schrödinger on the half line, although the global relation is in general rather complicated, it is still possible to obtain explicit results for certain boundary conditions, known as "linearizable boundary conditions". Several such explicit results are obtained and their significance regarding the asymptotic behavior of the solution is discussed.

[Man2012a] D. Mantzavinos Initial-boundary value problems for linear and integrable nonlinear evolution PDEs, PhD Thesis, University of Cambridge, (2012),

Linear elliptic PDEs in spherical coordinates

The new method has also been implemented in the case of boundary value problems formulated in spherical coordinates and, in particular, has produced: (a) the classical Poisson integral formula for the solutions of the Dirichlet problem for the Poisson equation in the interior of a sphere, the analogous formula for the Neumann problem, and the generalisations of these formulae to n dimensions, (b) the solutions of various boundary value problems for the inhomogeneous Helmholtz equation in the interior of a sphere, and (c) the solution of the Dirichlet problem for the Laplace equation in the interior of a spherical sector.

[DD2011a] G. Dassios, M. Doschoris On the Global Relation and the Dirichlet-to-Neumann Correspondence, Stud. Appl. Math. 126 1 (2011), 75-102,

Linear elliptic PDEs with nonlocal boundary conditions

In particular, the Fokas method has been applied to the problem of water waves, which involves the Laplace equation in three dimensions supplemented with certain nonlocal boundary conditions. This has led to a novel nonlocal formulation of this classical problem.

[AH2009a] M. J. Ablowitz, T. S. Haut Asymptotic expansions for solitary gravity-capillary waves in two and three dimensions, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. A Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 465 2109 (2009), 2725-2749,
[DO2011a] B. Deconinck, K. Oliveras The instability of periodic surface gravity waves, J. Fluid Mech. 675 (2011), 141-167,

Euler's equations describe the dynamics of gravity waves on the surface of an ideal fluid with arbitrary depth. In this paper, we discuss the stability of periodic travelling wave solutions to the full set of nonlinear equations via a non-local formulation of the water wave problem, modified from that of Ablowitz, Fokas & Musslimani (J. Fluid Mech., vol. 562, 2006, p. 313), restricted to a one-dimensional surface. Transforming the non-local formulation to a travelling coordinate frame, we obtain a new formulation for the stationary solutions in the travelling reference frame as a single equation for the surface in physical coordinates. We demonstrate that this equation can be used to numerically determine non-trivial travelling wave solutions by exploiting the bifurcation structure of this new equation. Specifically, we use the continuous dependence of the amplitude of the solutions on their propagation speed. Finally, we numerically examine the spectral stability of the periodic travelling wave solutions by extending Fourier–Floquet analysis to apply to the associated linear non-local problem. In addition to presenting the full spectrum of this linear stability problem, we recover past well-known results such as the Benjamin–Feir instability for waves in deep water. In shallow water, we find different instabilities. These shallow water instabilities are critically related to the wavelength of the perturbation and are difficult to find numerically. To address this problem, we propose a strategy to estimate a priori the location in the complex plane of the eigenvalues associated with the instability.

Quaternion methods

Elasticity and fluid loaded plate

The Fokas method yields novel results for the classical boundary value problems arising in elasticity and in fluid loaded plate in 2 and in 3 dimensions.

[AF2009a] A. C. L. Ashton, A. S. Fokas A Novel Method of Solution for the Fluid Loaded Plate, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. A Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 465 2112 (2009), 3667-3685, arXiv:0812.1660v3 [math.AP]

We study the equations governing a fluid-loaded plate. We first reformulate these equations as a system of two equations, one of which is an explicit non-local equation for the wave height and the velocity potential on the free surface. We then concentrate on the linearized equations and show that the problems formulated either on the full or the half-line can be solved by employing the unified approach to boundary value problems introduced by one of the authors in the late 1990s. The problem on the full line was analysed by Crighton & Oswell (Crighton & Oswell 1991 Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A 335, 557-592 (doi:10.1098/rsta.1991.0060)) using a combination of Laplace and Fourier transforms. The new approach avoids the technical difficulty of the a priori assumption that the amplitude of the plate is in Ldt1(R+) and furthermore yields a simpler solution representation that immediately implies that the problem is well-posed. For the problem on the half-line, a similar analysis yields a solution representation, which, however, involves two unknown functions. The main difficulty with the half-line problem is the characterization of these two functions. By employing the so-called global relation, we show that the two functions can be obtained via the solution of a complex-valued integral equation of the convolution type. This equation can be solved in a closed form using the Laplace transform. By prescribing the initial data η0 to be in H〈5〉5(R+), or equivalently four times continuously differentiable with sufficient decay at infinity, we show that the solution depends continuously on the initial data, and, hence, the problem is well-posed.

Nonlinear evolution PDEs in two spatial dimensions

The new method uses either a d-bar formalism (as in the case of the Davey-Stewartson (DS) equation), or a combination of the a d-bar formalism with a nonlocal Riemann-Hilbert formalism (as in the case of the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (KP) equation), to produce novel integral representations together with the associated global relations. These representations depend on certain spectral functions which themselves are characterized via certain linear integral equations of Fredholm type in terms of the initial conditions and all the boundary values. The characterization of the spectral functions in terms of the given initial and boundary conditions remains open. Moreover, the question of identifying linearisable boundary conditions for the DS or the KP also remains open.

[Fok2009a] A. S. Fokas The Davey-Stewartson Equation on the Half-Plane, Comm. Math. Phys. 289 3 (2009), 957-993,

The Davey-Stewartson (DS) equation is a nonlinear integrable evolution equation in two spatial dimensions. It provides a multidimensional generalisation of the celebrated nonlinear Schrödinger (NLS) equation and it appears in several physical situations. The implementation of the Inverse Scattering Transform (IST) to the solution of the initial-value problem of the NLS was presented in 1972, whereas the analogous problem for the DS equation was solved in 1983. These results are based on the formulation and solution of certain classical problems in complex analysis, namely of a Riemann Hilbert problem (RH) and of either a d-bar or a non-local RH problem respectively. A method for solving the mathematically more complicated but physically more relevant case of boundary-value problems for evolution equations in one spatial dimension, like the NLS, was finally presented in 1997, after interjecting several novel ideas to the panoply of the IST methodology. Here, this method is further extended so that it can be applied to evolution equations in two spatial dimensions, like the DS equation. This novel extension involves several new steps, including the formulation of a d-bar problem for a sectionally non-analytic function, i.e. for a function which has different non-analytic representations in different domains of the complex plane. This, in addition to the computation of a d-bar derivative, also requires the computation of the relevant jumps across the different domains. This latter step has certain similarities (but is more complicated) with the corresponding step for those initial-value problems in two dimensions which can be solved via a non-local RH problem, like KPI.

[Man2012a] D. Mantzavinos Initial-boundary value problems for linear and integrable nonlinear evolution PDEs, PhD Thesis, University of Cambridge, (2012),

Differential-difference equations

Linear and integrable nonlinear differential-difference equations

Following the development of the Fokas method for PDEs, it has been shown that the method can also be used for solving differential-difference equations (DDEs) on the natural numbers. These equations can be considered as discrete analogues of IBVPs for PDEs, since lattice spacing are taken from the natural numbers instead of the integers. The new method can deal with IBVPs for discrete linear and integrable discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equations (also known as the Ablowitz-Ladik system [AL1975a], [AL1976a]) on the natural numbers [BH2008a]. Linearizable BCs for the integrable discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation were analysed, which are the discrete analogue of the homogenous Robin-type BCs. When such BCs are given, the unknown boundary values can be eliminated using only algebraic manipulation of the global relation as shown in continuum problems. It is worth emphasizing that the Fokas method can be generalized to solve IBVPs for any discrete linear evolution equations with more general boundary conditions just as effectively [BW2010a]; this is to be contrasted with the classical Fourier series approach which is very limited.

[BH2008a] G. Biondini, G. Hwang Initial-boundary-value problems for discrete evolution equations: discrete linear Schrödinger and integrable discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equations, Inverse Problems 24 6 (2008), 65011, arXiv:0810.1300v1 [nlin.SI]

We present a method to solve initial-boundary-value problems for linear and integrable nonlinear differential-difference evolution equations. The method is the discrete version of the one developed by A S Fokas to solve initial-boundary-value problems for linear and integrable nonlinear partial differential equations via an extension of the inverse scattering transform. The method takes advantage of the Lax pair formulation for both linear and nonlinear equations, and is based on the simultaneous spectral analysis of both parts of the Lax pair. A key role is also played by the global algebraic relation that couples all known and unknown boundary values. Even though additional technical complications arise in discrete problems compared to continuum ones, we show that a similar approach can also solve initial-boundary-value problems for linear and integrable nonlinear differential-difference equations. We demonstrate the method by solving initial-boundary-value problems for the discrete analogue of both the linear and the nonlinear Schrödinger equations, comparing the solution to those of the corresponding continuum problems. In the linear case we also explicitly discuss Robin-type boundary conditions not solvable by Fourier series. In the nonlinear case, we also identify the linearizable boundary conditions, we discuss the elimination of the unknown boundary datum, we obtain explicitly the linear and continuum limit of the solution, and we write the soliton solutions.